How to Get the Best From Coffee (Part 3)


In part 2 of this post we cover all things extraction. If you have not read it, I recommend that you do so before proceeding with reading this publication.

In this part we will focus on the next step, which is to understand how to calculate the extraction of the coffee we have prepared. There are two ways, you can calculate it manually with some formulas or you can use an extraction calculator, such as the VST Coffee Tools mobile phone application.

Each of the 3 types of infusions (percolation, immersion and mixed) require a different extraction calculation. This is because each type of brew ends up with a different concentration in the liquid surrounding the ground coffee.

What happens is that while in infusions by immersion, the concentration of that liquid increases progressively, in infusions by percolation the concentration of that liquid decreases progressively. This means that…

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