How to Get the Best from Coffee (Part 5)


The 11 most important variables in coffee preparation (which are under our control) and which most influence the final result of the infusion are:

  1. Water
  2. Temperature
  3. Roasting
  4. Ratio
  5. Freshness
  6. Density
  7. Grinding
  8. Time
  9. Turbulence
  10. Method
  11. Filter


Water is as important as coffee when making an infusion. If the quality of the water is not of good quality, neither will the infused drink be, even when we use good coffee. This is because the majority of the drink is water (98.5% or more for most filter coffees and 90% for most espressos.

The role of water in an infusion is to act as the solvent that is responsible for extracting the soluble compounds from coffee. And it does this role very well, because water (H20) is an excellent solvent! This is because it is has a molecular construction…

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